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Global quality service provider specializing in integrated smart energy stations for buildings


Warmly welcome the experts and scholars from Kunshan Construction Engineering Quality Inspection Center to visit our company!

发布日期:2022-09-13 作者: 点击:

At 14:00 on September 7, 2022, three experts, Dr. Gu Sheng, Wu Yulong and Gong Tairui from Kunshan Construction Engineering Quality Inspection Center, came to visit our company. They were received by Mr. Ni Aikai, general manager of Jiangsu Hongxin Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Mr. Sun Changfeng, chief engineer of R&D center.



  After a short introduction to each other, Mr. Ni first led the experts to visit the workshop site. During the tour, Mr. Ni explained the features and advantages of the company's product, the integrated refrigeration station, which can be assembled in a container in the workshop and then transported directly to the site for installation, thus saving a lot of on-site labor and on-site installation time. At the same time, the product has the characteristics of remote real-time monitoring and dynamic simulation seeking. After listening to Mr. Ni's explanation, Dr. Gu and other experts highly affirmed the development potential of these products! They expressed their unique views on our products to meet the innovative needs, solve the pain points of the industry, make new suggestions, and combine with the existing market.


  After that, Mr. Ni also led the experts to visit the integrated intelligent energy lab bench in R&D department and explained the construction process and control principle of our lab bench for the experts, which made their understanding of our R&D products more concrete and clear.


  At 15:00 pm, Mr. Ni led the experts to the meeting room of R&D department for discussion, and introduced the real-time data of the test bench and our future R&D ideas for the experts, which was highly affirmed by Dr. Gu and others! Then the experts gave their guiding opinions on how to test the product data. The experts also discussed the important parameters of the products in detail, such as flow rate, temperature and humidity, power consumption, noise, vibration, etc. Especially in terms of noise, when the noise generated by the product equipment is too loud and may affect the normal life of people nearby, it will greatly limit the scope of use of the product. Therefore, noise reduction is also an issue that we need to consider seriously in terms of product data measurement. In addition, Dr. Gu was also very concerned about the progress of our company in "double creation", and gave valuable suggestions on patent application and other aspects.


  In the nearly two-hour exchange meeting, the expert group and the R&D center personnel exchanged and discussed the future R&D direction of the company, which provided our company with a broader vision and benefited a lot from a deeper knowledge on the road of future innovation.



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