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Test and display bench

Test and display bench


Solving the drawbacks of existing chillers

• The existing large chiller testing devices are basically made by professional companies, with complex systems and high cost. It occupies a large area.

• The experimental platform uses the cooling water to heat the chilled water, thus solving the problem of insufficient cooling load of the chilled water at the end of the test, and also reducing the cooling load of the cooling tower accordingly.

Fully simulates air conditioning test conditions

• The COP can be easily implemented to test the refrigeration mainframe at partial load.

• When the load of air conditioning cooling in the plant or office where the test system is located is lower than the cooling capacity of the main unit, the full load of the chiller can be reached through the bypass system of this device.

Used to cool factory or office space for air conditioning

• This test device can also be used in the summer for plant and office air-conditioning cooling.

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Test and display bench features

  • 01

    During the cooling season, we use the actual load of the air conditioning box in the workshop to test various operation data, unit group control optimization, AI algorithm, cloud platform and real-time system SCOP.

  • 02

    The above functions can also be tested during the non-cooling season by using cooling water to heat chilled water through a heat exchanger (pre-heat the cooling water to meet the minimum operating temperature requirements of the unit during winter start-up).

  • 03

    The end load is adjustable, and various loads and outdoor temperature conditions can be tested throughout the year.

  • 04

    The year-round energy consumption computer simulation software compares and corrects the actual operation data, so that the year-round energy consumption simulation is closer to the actual.

Test and display bench features

  • Real-time display and optimized system operation

    Real-time display and optimized system operation

    The test bench can control the cooling water and chilled water temperature and flow rate of the system in real time, measure the cooling capacity of the system and the power consumption of the mainframe and auxiliary equipment, display and record the operating parameters and the SCOP value of the system in real time, and adjust and optimize the parameters in real time by continuously improving the algorithm system to maximize the SCOP value of the system. Improve the overall dynamic optimization strategy of the system. The system can be operated intelligently and unattended.

  • Real-time cloud data upload analysis

    Real-time cloud data upload analysis

    Through the collection of various data of system operation. Such as system cooling water, chilled water temperature, system cooling water, chilled water flow, cooling capacity, power of cooling towers, pumps, etc., host performance parameters and real-time system SCOP value, etc. data upload to the cloud platform, you can rent some professional companies cloud platform services these data for the future continuous improvement of the system to provide first-hand data information.

  • Remote Control Real-time Monitoring

    Remote Control Real-time Monitoring

    Through the collection of various parameters of system operation, the system can be controlled automatically according to the continuously improved algorithm system, and also manually controlled by authorized personnel. The system is monitored in real time, and the alarm is pushed to the cloud platform in time for exceeding the standard and fault abnormality, and the authorized personnel are supported to control the system manually and remotely. It also collects data on these overruns and malfunctions, and performs intelligent diagnosis of faults, and bursts into necessary operations or reminds manual operations.

  • Year-round energy consumption computer simulations

    Year-round energy consumption computer simulations

    Before the operation of this test bench, energy consumption computer simulation is carried out: according to the end cooling and heating load (where the heat transfer of the envelope, solar radiation, fresh air hourly load will be calculated and generated according to the meteorological parameters of the city where the project is located throughout the year; industrial projects add input equipment and process cooling load options) and outdoor meteorological parameters (according to the meteorological parameters of the city where the project is located, the system automatically extracts the meteorological parameters of a year) in real time. The system is simulated to control the load, frequency and power conditions of the system, and the SCOP value of the system is simulated and output, and the data are analyzed in detail and scientifically by day, month, quarter and year.

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